Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 14 - Raisin Bran, Nachos, Esik-fleisch

Breakfast was Post Raisin Bran in non-fat milk again. After the box is done, I'm buying organic raisin bran, alright? I am still deciding what type of milk is the best until I am able to get organic, raw milk from grass-fed cows (doesn't that sound dreamy?), milk I need to get my hands on. Currently, I'm looking into Organic Pastures, but I haven't figured out how to get it without walking into Whole Foods (aka whole paycheck) or ordering it by UPS. We'll see.

I bought lunch in the cafeteria. Today's vegetarian option was nacho chips with beans, salsa, cheese, and sour cream. It's not really okay, but I'm trying to get breakfast and dinner going smoothly before I begin packing my own lunches. At least the cafeteria lunch is pretty natural.

For dinner, we heated up leftover esik-fleish (I'll explain in a minute) over Manishewitz egg noodles with a romaine-based salad on the side. I topped the salad with Miso, Ginger & Wasabi salad dressing.

Now, esik-fleisch. My mother got the recipe orally from her mother, who heard it from her mother, and so on and so forth. I know it tasted great, but "Da !@#$ am I eating?".  I'm posting the recipe so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about, but what does the word even mean? "Fleisch" is German for meat (I don't think it's a stretch from "fleisch" to "flesh"), but I've had some trouble finding a definition for "esik". According to Yiddish Dictionary Online, "esik" translates to vinegar, but as there's no vinegar in the recipe, I'm inclined to think that "esik" can be more loosely translated as sour. Restaurant Pasternak in Berlin, Germany defines the dish as "stewed pieces of beef in sweet-sour cream and plum-sauce", so sour could be an appropriate word. All I know is it tastes amazing. Get your grass-fed beef, organic sugar, and local onions out for this.


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